Drinking Fullest Joy

We finished our detoxes on Sunday and a thoughtful client asked me, “Helena, where do you go to recover?” My immediate response was, “Home. I like to be with my husband and family.”

So yesterday morning, instead of popping out of bed early to go and deliver the lemon waters at 7.30am, I stayed in bed and wrote a poem about our detox experience up on Belas Knap hill on Saturday:


Where Earth Meets Sky

Nibbled down Cotswold turf
As green in winter as a watered summer lawn
When the sky is blue-punctuated-with-white
And fertile land waves golden greetings.

Complicated palette of moody greys
Hanging low this day, close enough to feel.
Not sea and sky horizon
Merging, blending, becoming one –

But two substances meeting:
Granite-muted-silvers and pastoral stubble shades,
Laying vertically together
Separate, not One.

Collections of atoms designed to connect –
As stormy seas with stormy skies,
As golden fields kissing golden dawns –
We find ourselves, punctuating this point

Perpendiculars on a landscape
Where earth meets sky
Resonating in the beauty of shared beauty
As we stand and gawk at this wondrous horizon.

Exclamation marks that we are,
Ascending with astonishment like pronking lambs,
Discover our power, rise, delight
And drink fullest joy.

Helena Cavan