Video Interview with Annie Grace

Here is my brief interview that I did yesterday with Annie Grace JUST FOR YOU, to introduce you to the fabulous author of This Naked Mind

In a 24 minute video nutshell, Annie tells her dramatic story of going from being assigned by her boss to go to the bar, where she consciously drank in order to stay there, to non-consciously drinking alone one morning in a Heathrow airport terminal - which led to her epiphany moment. 

This Naked Mind book teaches us how to stop blaming ourselves for being weak-willed and learn to sync up our conscious and subconscious brains to agree and allow us to reduce and/or stop drinking. The book will launch on 2nd January 2018 - in time for DRY JANUARY. 

Please click here to watch this video I've made for you. 

ENJOY this fabulous week ahead and have a very HAPPY HOPE-FILLED CHRISTMAS. Know that you are on my mind and I'll be in touch again soon!

Helena Cavan